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Unifying change: The key to smooth IT operations

· 5 min read
Pedro Gonzalez

In the ever-evolving world of information technology, change is the only constant. With the adoption of cloud technologies, containerisation, microservices, and more, the IT landscape has become a complex web of interdependent components.

Amidst this complexity, managing change across your IT environment effectively has emerged as a vital operational aspect. This is where the concept of unifying change comes into play. It is about creating a single, cohesive view of all changes happening in your IT landscape, regardless of the tools used or the teams involved. But why is this so important? Let's delve deeper.


A unified approach to change provides visibility. But why is visibility so crucial? Simply put, it's because "you can't manage what you can't see". Imagine driving a car blindfolded, relying only on instructions from the passenger seat. Scary, isn't it? Now, imagine your IT environment without clear visibility into changes, akin to driving blindfolded. Not only is it scary, it's also inefficient and fraught with risks.

A unified control plane, like OpsChain, can provide you with comprehensive visibility into all changes across your IT landscape. It helps to understand the sequence and impact of changes, aiding in effective troubleshooting and decision-making. This clear visibility simplifies change management, making your operations smoother and more efficient.


Good governance is another compelling reason to unify change. With OpsChain, you can maintain strict authorisation controls and an audit trail of all changes. This means you know who made what changes, when, and why. It ensures accountability and provides the ability to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

Moreover, governance is not just about compliance. It is also about maintaining the integrity of your IT environment. It helps to ensure that changes are made responsibly and align with your organisation's policies and standards. Importantly, it can include the business owner/sponsor, as changes often impact more than just the IT systems. A change can require coordination within your organisation to ensure all parties are aware and the impact on business processes or initiatives is understood.

Operational efficiency and maximising productivity

Operational efficiency is a critical benefit of unifying change. By streamlining your change management processes, you eliminate redundancies, ensuring prompt and accurate implementation of changes. Imagine having a single source of truth that coordinates all changes across your IT landscape. No more switching between different tools, no more duplication of effort, no more delays due to miscommunication, and no more endless chains of CC'd emails providing status updates and requests for approvals.

A unified control plane like OpsChain can make this a reality, thereby driving operational efficiency. It's like having a well-oiled machine, where every part works in harmony with the others, maximising productivity.

Also another significant benefit for those organisations that already have some level of automation, OpsChain allows you to also do away with manual run lists. Manual run lists become a thing of the past as the run list steps can be incorporated directly into the OpsChain change whilst still taking advantage of the existing automation.

Collaboration and breaking down silos

Collaboration is an often-overlooked benefit of a unified approach. In many organisations, different teams work in silos, using different tools and following different processes. This can lead to communication gaps, inconsistencies, and inefficiencies.

Unifying change can help break down these silos. By bringing all changes under a single platform, it encourages better coordination among teams, leading to more effective and harmonious change management.


As your IT landscape expands, the ability to effectively manage change becomes increasingly crucial. A unified control plane is scalable, able to handle the growing needs of your organisation. It is like building a road that can accommodate not just the current traffic but also the expected increase in the future.

Security and compliance

Security is another critical aspect of change management. By maintaining strict control over who can make changes, a unified control plane like OpsChain ensures that only authorised personnel can alter your IT environment. This not only prevents unauthorised changes but also protects your systems from potential security risks.

Additionally, OpsChain's approach to changes also encompasses a compliance aspect. The platform's ability to keep an extensive audit trail allows for robust monitoring and tracking of all changes. This is particularly useful in industries where compliance is paramount and changes need to be traceable for audit purposes.

Flexibility and accommodating diverse toolchains

One of the most appealing aspects of a unified approach to change management is its flexibility. OpsChain, is a tool-agnostic platform that allows you to use any tool you prefer for your DevOps processes. This flexibility is important because every organisation is unique, with its own set of tools, processes, and practices. A unified control plane that can accommodate this diversity is therefore a must.


In conclusion, unifying change is about taking a holistic approach. It's about seeing the big picture, breaking down silos, enhancing collaboration, and maximising operational efficiency. It's about maintaining strict governance, ensuring security, and demonstrating compliance. And most importantly, it's about preparing your IT operations for the future, ensuring they can scale with your organisation's growth.

Managing change can be a challenge, but with a unified approach, it becomes an opportunity. An opportunity to streamline your operations, improve your performance, and drive your organisation forward. So, embrace the power of unified change and unlock the full potential of your IT operations.